Tips for tourists

About the Peaks of the Caucasus. Mekhtygen, Teshchyna's Teeth, Ullukaya

Mount Mekhtygen (or Metegen), 3154 m, is a peak in the Rocky Range between the Cherek Balkarsky and Psygansu valleys in Kabardino-Balkaria. The best view of Mekhtygen opens from the north, from the Kurnoyat Pass, which can be reached by SUV. From there, the mountain looks like a huge castle with towers and buttresses.

View from the ridge of Mount Soukhauzkaya, from the west. Mekhtygen is a sunlit peak with a layer of clouds at its foot.

From the east, from the Uazy Shoulder Pass. Mekhtygen is the third peak on the right.

approximately the same angle, but different lighting, Mekhtygen is also third from the right.

From the Khaznyvtsek pass.

Psygansu Valley, Mekhtygen Mountain, and to the left the gentle Kurnoyat Pass, from where the next photo will be.

Mekhtygen from the Kurnoyat Pass. That very best view.

Mekhtygen at sunset from the valley of the Cherek Balkarsky.

The peak of Teshchiny Zuby, or, according to other sources, Naushidze Peak, 2956 m high, is a peak in the Rocky Range in the Elbrus region, in the area of the village of Bylym (on the map). The origin of the first name is obvious when you see the peak from the south.

Ullukaya Rock ("Big Rock") located in the Kyrtyk Valley, in the Elbrus region. This is a very interesting place: in a huge cave in the rock, next to a source of healing narzan, traces of a settlement of ancient people were found.

It is interesting to read the article by A. Alekseev "Slavic-Scythian temples in the Elbrus region":, where attention is also paid to the Ullukaya rock.

There is another esoteric story: Take it seriously or not, but it is certainly an interesting place. Too bad, I always passed by - I need to go to the caves sometime, try narzan.

View from a dirt road in the Kyrtyk Valley. You can get here by SUV from the village of Verkhniy Baksan, about 10 km.

With difficulty, but you can spot the cat from the articles in the links provided.

As we get closer.

[List of all 100 peaks of the Caucasus + interactive map]


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