
Research: What do travelers miss at Moscow airports?

Researchers from the travel service conducted a survey, thanks to which they were able to find out what tourists lack in Moscow airports, what they especially value in them and what they criticize for. Most of all, passengers value convenient logistics in air harbors, and many regret the lack of smoking areas.



“Judging by the comments, the presence of a smoking room (although they were removed, smoker passengers remember them with sadness), convenient logistics (the ability to get there by public transport), the absence of crowds, compactness, and proximity to home will help to win the love of travelers,” the company said.

In addition, the survey also included a question about which airport is more attractive to travelers. The majority of respondents (41%) responded that they like Sheremetyevo, 33% noted Domodedovo airport, and only 20% participants voted for Vnukovo airport, and only 6% voted for the new Zhukovsky airport.

"It is interesting that a year ago the rating of favorite airports looked exactly the same, but the gap between Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo was smaller, they were separated by only 2%. But eight years ago the situation was different. In July 2010, users of the site also chose their favorite airport of the capital. Then the majority (58%) gave their preference to Domodedovo, 21% voted for Sheremetyevo, in third place was Vnukovo (13%), and 8% chose Bykovo Airport, which closed in 2011," the experts reported.

The most interesting thing was that the airport from which the flight departs is not always the passenger’s favorite.

"It is interesting that, according to a survey in 2018, the service users most often fly from Domodedovo - 43% respondents gave this answer. Sheremetyevo was in second place with a result of 37%, Vnukovo in third - 17%. 3% service users voted for Zhukovsky," the service analysts added.


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