The Russian and Czech transport ministries have agreed to maintain air traffic between the two countries, said Czech transport ministry spokesman František Emelka.
“Interdepartmental negotiations will continue until the end of the summer of this year with the aim of discussing the framework for further cooperation,” he said, TASS reports.
In addition, he also noted that the Czech Republic is interested in resolving the situation that has arisen. "We do not want to allow further restrictions on air traffic between our countries during the holiday period and do not want to cause trouble for air passengers," added the representative of the Czech Ministry of Transport.
Let us recall that several Russian airlines had their previously issued permits to operate flights to the Czech Republic revoked. The reason for the restrictions was Prague's dissatisfaction with the conditions of the trans-Siberian routes agreed upon by Moscow for Czech airlines.
A little later, the Czech Ministry of Transport lifted the ban on flights by Russian airlines until July 7.