
Russian tourists dream of celebrating the New Year in China or the Czech Republic

Russian travelers dream of spending their New Year's holidays in China (27% travelers celebrated it), the Czech Republic (23%), Italy (16%), France (17%) and Germany (14%), according to a survey conducted by the online travel service Biletix, in which more than 2,000 people took part. people. The rise of China in the rankings came as a surprise: last year, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, France and Thailand topped the similar rankings.



As the TRN portal and the company's press service were told, in Russia, the rating of cities in which Russian travelers would dream of spending their New Year's vacation was headed by Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan and Veliky Ustyug.

The number of respondents who would like to spend their holidays abroad has increased from 62% to 70% compared to last year, while in Russia, on the contrary, it has decreased from 30% to 18%.

Dreams and reality diverge. The most popular tourist destinations abroad, judging by early bookings of air tickets for the New Year holidays in the Biletix system, are currently Armenia, Thailand, Italy, Israel and Bali (Indonesia). In Russia, Sochi, Simferopol, Moscow, Krasnodar and Murmansk are in the lead.

According to the survey, most travelers (43%) are ready to spend up to 30,000 rubles per family member on a New Year's vacation. At the same time, the number of those who have up to 10,000 rubles has increased compared to the results of a similar survey last year from 15% to 22%, while those who are ready to spend up to 50,000 rubles, on the contrary, decreased from 24% to 19%.

Most Russians (58%) believe that a week off is the optimal period for a New Year's vacation. 25% believe that New Year's holidays should be extended to 2 weeks. 14% are sure that a couple of days is enough. Compared to last year, the number of respondents who believe that New Year's holidays are not necessary in principle has increased from 0 to 1%.


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