A trip to the next World Cup should be planned in advance - two years in advance. This is what the portal Аlaraby writes.
The next World Cup will be held in Qatar from November 21 to December 18, 2022. However, both football fans and just tourists are advised to book at least two years before the event. This statement was made by Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al-Baker. According to him, the dates of the FIFA tournament coincide with a period of high congestion at Qatar Airport, which handles a large number of transit flights to European countries. In addition, many airlines tend to raise their ticket prices on the eve of the Christmas holidays, Al-Baker said.
Another reason to plan ahead is the limited number of carriers flying to Doha. In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt severed diplomatic relations with Qatar due to the Gulf crisis. As a result, many Arab airlines, including Etihad and Emirates, were forced to stop flying to Qatar. Qatar Airways is currently the only carrier in the region that can serve passengers during the 2022 World Cup.
Winter time for the main football tournament was not chosen by chance. The fact is that it is in November and December that the climate of Qatar is most suitable for holding outdoor sports competitions. In other months, the temperature in this Middle Eastern country, which is the world leader in GDP per capita, can reach more than +50֯ C.
Source: news.turizm.ru